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All on 6 in Albania

Are you looking for the most suitable dental clinic in Albania? Do you want to be certain that you will be taken care of by the most trained dental staff? Then, Dent Dinamo is here to answer all your requirements. The All on 6 implants in Albania, is a method of mouth restoration with implants, which offers the patient immobile rehabilitation on the day of implant placement or at a later time. The final result rewards the patient, offering excellent functional and aesthetic restoration.

All on 6

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What are All on 6 Implants?

The concept of All-on-6 prosthesis was developed by professionals, who based their practice on applying the technology to four implants and took into account the experience of using a basic implant. This kind of protocol is completed with six implants.

In contrast to all-in-4 indications for treatment were extended: prosthesis is performed in a bone atrophy medium and the presence of periodontitis or osteomyelitis of the jaw. Smoking is not a contraindication. In general, the two technologies are similar.

Special Characteristics of All on 6 Implants

  1. 6 dental implants are used for the prosthesis of complete dentition (4 implants are fixed at an angle to the lateral areas and 2 others – perpendicular to the frontal zone).
  2. The prosthesis is placed 2-3 days after implantation.
  3. Implantation of all on 6 is performed with moderate or severe bone resorption.
  4. Implants – a piece with a bracket, the angle of which is selected separately and can be adjusted after the implantation of the “screws”.
  5. The implant can be placed at the same time as the teeth are removed and the “screws” are placed in the same space.
  6. All-on-6 prosthetic technology is a more cost-effective solution than conventional implantation and All-on-4 in the original technique.

Who is the Right Candidate for All on 6 Implant Procedure?

The ideal candidate for All on 6 dental implants has good general and oral health. Adequate bone in the jaw is essential to support the implant, and ideal candidates have healthy gums and are free of periodontal disease.

Dental implants are closely connected to the gums and the underlying bone of the mouth. So chronic infectious diseases involving these tissues such as periodontitis can affect the osseointegration of dental implants.

What are the Benefits of All on 6 Dental Implants?

  • Less invasive procedure
  • Shorter procedure
  • Prevents any bone loss
  • Corrects any speech problems that you are might experiencing
  • It does not limit your food intake or diet
  • It offers a rapid improvement
  • You enjoy eating and speaking in a comfortable manner
  • You do not need removable dentures
  • Fast recovery 
  • Long-term results
  • Offers the ability to eat all types of food
  • Improves your oral health
  • Completely regaining a beautiful smile
  • Gaining a strong, comfortable, and functional dentition
  • The natural appearance of your mouth
  • It prevents bone degradation
  • Permanent fixation 
  • Well-integrated

All on 6 Implant Placement Procedure

1st appointment

  • Obtaining a medical-dental history
  • Clinical examination – Radiological examination – evaluation
  • Discussion with the patient in order to express his expectations and set goals
  • Taking fingerprints for the construction of study molds and surgical splint (guide)
  • Take photos

2nd appointment

  • Further evaluation of data obtained from clinical-radiographic examination and study of specimens
  • Discussion of a proposed treatment plan and acceptance by the patient
  • Pre-surgical treatment (if needed), such as e.g., gum treatment
  • Instructions before implantation

3rd appointment

  • Implant placement

4th appointment

  • Removal of stitches

5th appointment – (2-4 months after implant placement)

  • Revelation of implants

6th appointment

7th appointment 

  • Imprints
  • Recordings and tests or examinations

8th appointment

  • Rehabilitation installation

Why Choose Dent Dinamo for your All on 6 Implant Procedure?

Dental implants are an extremely efficient dental solution in the long-term phase, for missing teeth, which offer a solution to common dental problems. With the All-on-6 Dental Implants Method, the patient can have aesthetic as well as functional teeth which in many cases can be constructed and placed in a single visit.

The placement of dental implants in our office is completed with modern cutting equipment that offers tissue relaxation for clean cutting and better recovery. In case of bone loss there is the possibility of regeneration of the area with the PRP method (Platelet Rich Platelet). Our professional staff will always choose the most appropriate treatment with dental implants for each one of our patients.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Can I replace all my Natural Teeth with Dental Implants?

If you are missing all your teeth, you can replace them with implants (Teeth in a day, All on 4, All on 6). For this purpose, a bridge or denture will be placed on the implants. Prosthetic restoration will replace not only the missing teeth, but also the lost gums, resulting in better support of the lips and cheeks.

Do I Need General Anesthesia for Dental Implant Placement?

General anesthesia is not required for implant placement. Local anesthesia at the site of surgery is sufficient. The whole process is completed without pain.

How do we Take Care of Dental Implants?

Dental implants require the same care as natural teeth, including brushing, flossing and regular dental examinations.

Is it Possible that the Dental Implants be Rejected?

Pure titanium, from which modern implants are made, is a metal that has been used for many years in Medicine (orthopedic, cardiac surgery) because it is completely biocompatible and cannot be eliminated from the body.

For this reason, when dental implants are placed correctly and where indicated, have a success rate greater than 95%.

Even in the rare case that a dental implant is not implanted, the jaw bone remains intact and after a while another implant can be placed in the same place.

How Painful are Dental Implants?

Patients who have had dental implants reported minimal to no discomfort during the implantation procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia. After placement, patients are given anti-inflammatory analgesics as well as antibiotic coverage for a few days so that they do not feel the slightest discomfort.

What should I Expect after the Placement of All on 6 Dental Implants?

As you know, your teeth require oral care at home and regular dental checkups. Dental implants are like your own teeth and require the same care. So, to keep your implants clean and without dental plaque, brushing and flossing are essential!

After treatment, you need regular checkups to check the health of your teeth, gums and implants.

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